My heart grieves today for our country as well. The vile comments about Justice Scalia all across the internet show the level of depravity to which our nation has succumbed. We are a nation that has lost our way. Apparently, we have learned very little from great empires of the past that lost their way and eventually collapsed. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. I am concerned that we are on that trajectory.
Finally, my heart grieves for the loss of our republic form of government. The Founding Fathers said it could only work if we remained a moral people and lived by Christian principles. They understood the importance of faith. Chaos and violence runs rampant in our cities, immorality reaches into every sphere of life, and the vile political discourse is simply a symptom of a deeper illness permeating our culture. If our nation does not turn back to God soon, the repercussions are going to be monumental.
Why do I think it is the end of our republic form of government? The safeguard of the balance of power by having three separate branches of government has collapsed. If the role of the U.S. Supreme Court is to only interpret the Constitution, why is it so important to get someone appointed who thinks a particular way? Obviously, a lot of legislation from the bench occurs. One would think that members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate would not have allowed their role to be so easily usurped by the executive and judicial branches of government. Yet, that is what has transpired. The American people will pay the eventual price of tyranny.
Whether it is Executive Orders issued by the president, regulations imposed upon the people by non-elected officials in a multitude of governmental agencies such as the EPA, HHS, IRS, etc., or the overall political corruption that has contaminated almost every facet of Washington, D.C., we the people are the ones who will suffer. The death of Justice Scalia has simply shined a light on the imploding United States Government.
Does anyone really believe that we are "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all"? Since we have essentially kicked God out of every corner of public life we have become quite divided as a nation. Liberty and justice are on the way out as well. Fervent prayer is needed for the leadership of our country.
I offer prayers today for Justice Scalia and his family.
Eternal rest grant unto Justice Scalia, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.