My thanks to to the principal of St. Mary's School, Mr. Pat Lane, for inviting me to the event. My remarks were primarily directed to the adults in the room. I reminded them of our mission as Catholic school educators and parents. We are attempting to fulfill the six tasks of catechesis as outlined in the National Directory for Catechesis. If you want to review those six tasks, you can view an easy to read PDF file here:
I want to thank Wyoming State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jillian Balow, for coming to speak. Having the head of the public school community understand the value of Catholic education is a blessing indeed. Her remarks were directed to the children. Her encouragement for them to "work hard" and "be nice" was a reminder of the environment we are striving to create so our students can be successful.
Finally, Laramie County Commissioner Troy Thompson closed out the line-up of speakers by sharing his own personal journey through St. Mary's Catholic School. His preparation in the early years of his life set the stage for him to attend Cornell University, become a veterinarian, and now an elected official of our community. He emphasized gratitude for receiving such an opportunity. His story was truly inspirational.
This event was a good primer as we now prepare to enter into Catholic Schools Week. My thanks to all who support Catholic education with your time, talent, and financial generosity. It requires many of us to join together to do this ministry well. As I watch the results year after year, I am convinced that it is a noble endeavor to pursue and worth every ounce of energy poured into it.