Driving through major metropolitan cities can be a bit daunting if one is unfamiliar with the city. This is especially true if the roadways are crowded as well. Missing a single turn can cause a person to get really lost in a hurry. Being lost in an unfamiliar city is not a good feeling. In modern times we frequently have access to a GPS, but I still manage to find ways to get lost. Let's just say that I have a knack for being in the wrong lane at the wrong time. Am I the only one who has heard the word "recalculating" more times than I care to admit?
The Solemnity of Christ the King is a wonderful opportunity for each of us to set our spiritual GPS on the proper destination. Are we setting our gaze upon the Lord? Just as a highway has many entrances, exits, twists, turns, potholes, construction, accidents, and drivers who can be distracted, angry, or aggressive, our journey with the Lord is also hindered with many obstacles and barriers. It is with God's grace that all things are possible. We simply have the responsibility to keep our gaze fixed upon the Lord to fully cooperate with that grace. If we do that, we will make our way safely to our heavenly home despite the storms of life in our overall journey.
Is there any "recalculating" that needs to take place in your spiritual quest?