God is love!
I pulled up a familiar social media site this morning to give a quick glance at what my family and friends had recently posted. I choose not to post a lot of things, but I am glad to see updates and photos from family members who live far away. Although I am a bit taken aback by the superficial nature of much of what is posted, being on the site has been a good way to stay at least a little connected. I have friends who travel extensively and they post pictures of beautiful beaches and other tropical vistas. I will admit I am sometimes a bit jealous as I endure the harsh winter reality of Wyoming.
As I scrolled through my social media site this morning the first two posts that I saw were from friends stating how much they miss their dads. The first one has been without her day for less than a year. The second one posted on her timeline that today is the six year anniversary of her dad's death. The grief and sadness expressed in these posts were genuine. There was no attempt to conceal the pain of missing "dad's hug." It presented an opportunity for friends to reach out with consolation and love. I don't think a "virtual hug" will ever be able to replace an "in-person" hug, but a couple of kind words can go a long way when someone is hurting.
Much of what is posted on social media sites create an illusion of utopia--or at least the perception of a lot of fun. The glamorous pictures of the night life with an abundance of alcohol, the plates of food delicately presented to give an impression of elegance, and the many other facades created by photos and captions which strive to demonstrate the achievement of success and happiness are not always honest depictions. Sociological researchers in the future will have a field day as they look back on the initial years of social media dominance. What have these technological connections done to the genuine human interactions we all need? Time will tell.
I invite you today to reflect upon the love of Christ, the Light of the World. In those areas of your life where there is pain and struggle, ask God to let the rays of His love permeate every fiber of your being. The Light of Christ will bring you warmth, healing, and hope. God's love is genuine. If you know someone who is hurting today, take a moment to lift them up in any way you can--a phone call, a visit, an e-mail, and definitely a prayer.