It is usually interesting, and sometimes infuriating, to see how catastrophic events are spun in such a way as to push a particular agenda. The rhetoric of the politicians escalates and the blame is always pointed toward someone else. Meanwhile, many of us simply watch the evening news and resign ourselves to thinking that there is absolutely nothing we can do to improve the current state of affairs.
Elected officials have a responsibility to govern in ways that are prudent and wise. They should have the ability to analyze complex issues and devise plans with effective strategies to address the needs at hand as well as look to the future with intellectual foresight. Being proactive instead of reactive could lead to more effective results than what we seem to typically experience.
Unfortunately, the leadership we witness all too frequently is driven by the personal agenda of the leader or the group pulling the leader's strings. This becomes especially problematic when events like the shooting in Orlando do not match the narrative created by the person or group. Thus, pointing the finger of blame has to be more widespread than usual this time in an attempt to reduce the disconnect between current events and desired outcomes. Those who support both the LGBT agenda and Islam have a huge chasm to overcome because of the complete polar opposites that exist in the two groups.
In the scenario being shaped now we see a reluctance of some to blame the teachings of Islam. Under prior circumstances the target of criticism would typically shift solely to guns and gun owners. It is their fault. That is not quite as easy to do this time with the shooting being on such a massive scale and the shooter showing allegiance to Islam. Subsequently, blame is shifted to the opposite political party, the mentally ill, and even to Christianity for their homophobic teachings. There needs to be plenty of distractions in the process to divert our attention from the root causes of the dilemma. The inflammatory rhetoric from both sides of the political aisle are assisting in creating this diversion.
Can morality be legislated or enacted through executive order? Certainly! It is done all the time. However, it can also put a person's conscience in conflict when the morality being legislated or enacted by executive order is in direct violation of one's personal and religious beliefs. The lighting up of the White House in rainbow colors when same-sex "marriage" was approved is one such instance. Some celebrated. Some mourned. Divisiveness grew.
The sociological shift in American society has been quite dramatic over recent decades. The LGBT movement did not just suddenly spring up out of nowhere one day. There was a process. The sexual revolution of the 60's opened a pathway for many different ideologies. Women's liberation was at the forefront of this revolution. The pill was viewed as a blessing. The legalization of abortion allowed even more sexual freedom. The shackles were off. Men and women could both enjoy the beginnings of the "hook-up" culture.
Some call it freedom. Others call it license. The sexual revolution of the 60's is looked upon as a breakthrough by many. The liberation of women was applauded. Now it extends to the LGBT community as well. This has all been accomplished through an organized and well-funded effort. The moral depravity pushed by the Hollywood elite has taken root. We are now reaping what has been sown for decades. The media elite have wielded a great amount of influence in the disintegration of moral values long held by many Christian denominations and others.
The sexual shift in American society is only one piece of the existing puzzle surrounding the shooting in Orlando. The second piece of the puzzle is Islam, the rise of Isis, and the political components which comprise the creation of the current state of affairs. The terrorist attacks have not simply arrived on the scene out of the blue. World events shaped a culture and created a specific demographic which proved to be fertile soil for the rising of ISIS. Decisions made by our political leaders and others have given us the current situation in which we find ourselves. Have decisions resulted in outcomes not anticipated, or has this been carefully orchestrated to create the rise of ISIS? It depends upon whom you ask.
My point to all of this is that we cannot look at one event in isolation. A culture has been created which influences ideologies and actions. Very few people will condone and embrace the actions of a terrorist striving to kill a large amount of people. Most of us look at the event in horror. It is a tragedy.
It would take a manuscript of great length to connect the many dots of the sophisticated process leading to our current moral status as a nation. Political leaders, the mainstream media, the Hollywood elite, institutions of higher education, and numerous other entities have influenced the shaping of modern American culture. We have not only witnessed the pursuit of sexual immorality within our own borders. We have witnessed the constant attempt to export this same immorality to the rest of the world. That has repercussions for us.
The "hook-up" culture results in a "throw-away" culture. If a person uses you for his/her sexual gratification and moves on, you have been discarded with very little regard. Where is the line between this experience and the act of prostitution? How about human trafficking?
If sexual promiscuity leads to pregnancy and it is looked upon as a burden, what happens? Abortion is part of the "throw-away" culture. Get rid of the baby before it complicates life any further. If we have become oblivious to the slaughter of millions of helpless babies, why are we surprised when someone is willing to shoot up a building filled with people? We have already displayed the fact that we don't value life.
Marital fidelity was impacted in a huge way through these incremental steps to sexual freedom. The breakdown of the family and the search for love and acceptance opened up new pathways to LGBT acceptance. Why are we surprised to see alternative lifestyles being pursued given the broken and fragmented nature of what was previously known as the nuclear family?
The slow but steady shift in the moral norms of society has had an impact on our nation whether we want to admit it or not. However, the responsibility and blame for the shooting in Orlando rests with the perpetrator of the crime. The shooter is to blame. Other factors and circumstances may play a role in how he got to the point of thinking it was okay to do this, but it still does not free him from guilt.
At this point in our nation's history it is clear to see that we are far from being the United States of America. The divisions that exist are numerous and deep. It is highly probable that we will go the way of many powerful nations that preceded us because history tells us that a divided nation will not stand. Racial tensions are high. The divide between the rich and the poor grows substantially wider with each passing year. The disregard for law and order as demonstrated by illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, the rioting in Ferguson and Baltimore, and the selective enforcement of existing laws does not bode well for our future. It is not only the threat of terror from outside our borders that is of concern; it is the very essence of watching our nation implode due to the aggressive pursuit of ideologies leading to ruination.
What is in store for us around the next bend? I don't know. However, I do know that is vital for each of us to seek God's grace. It is imperative that we continue to be people of fervent prayer. Seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit with fervor. Ask for an outpouring of wisdom, prudence, and courage. Ask for clarity of discernment. We cannot simply give up. God still calls us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. That will not happen if we refuse to be a faithful witness to Jesus Christ.