I spend more time on social media than what I should, but it is something that keeps me informed about the "culture of the room." Facebook has a particular audience. (Young people say us old folks ruined Facebook. Should the elders take over Instagram next?) Twitter is in a world all its own. Now we have alternative sites that tried to replace Twitter before Elon Musk stepped into the picture. LinkedIn is supposedly business oriented in nature, but it is also a place where people simply tell you how magnificent they are. (To be fair, it also contains a lot of frustrated job seekers as well.) TikTok inspires people to seek for something that will go viral. On and on it goes.
What is one thing they all have in common? They have stories. Each person has a story. The format changes and adapts for the particular venue, but someone beating cancer gets celebrated on any site. That shows me there is hope for humanity.
The last two years have worn us down. The division in the way things are viewed has also taken a toll on us. Here are a few examples of divergent opinions:
Get vaccinated. Vaccination is dangerous.
Wear a mask. The mask does no good.
Stay home. I live in a free country.
Follow the science. Whose science?
Close your business. I need to make a living.
Government handout. Printing billions of dollars will cause inflation.
You don't care about people. Government dependence is not good.
This could go on and on, but you get the point.
I invite you to do a little research about the Asch Conformity Experiment. What have the last two years revealed about us as a society?
Then we get into the name calling. I won't go into all of them, but unless you have been living in a cave, you know what the names are.
I will touch on one that has been tossed my way a time or two. "You are a conspiracy theorist." No. I just find that things don't add up very well from the appointed bureaucrats and their mainstream media lapdogs.
Why were doctors silenced who had a different viewpoint about the virus, and the narrative being pushed by the politicians? Why were all the vaccine injuries recorded on the CDC website never addressed with any real honesty, research, and transparency? Why were studies by major pharmaceutical companies being kept hidden until lawsuits forced their release? Is anyone ever going to tell the truth about the role of the USA government in bio labs throughout the world?
Was inflation intentional? Is the stock market crash being orchestrated by elites striving for a new world order? Do we want more people dependent upon the government for their very survival? Is there a desire by the elites to force a social directory to track people on almost every aspect of their lives? Is there a true drive to push for a cashless society so every transaction can be followed? (If you think the advertisements that appear on your Facebook page after a conversation in your household about a particular product is a bit spooky, just wait.)
These aren't conspiracy theories. These are legitimate questions being asked by people because of the observations being made in society. Is it easier to label people conspiracy theorists rather than answering the questions?
On another note: Is there a reason to be concerned as our food processing plants start to burn down on a regular basis all across the country? Thankfully, according to Politifact and The Daily Beast, there is no need to be concerned. Here is the title from The Daily Beast. "The Right's New Conspiracy Theory: Kamikaze Planes and Food Fires." Rest easy folks. Nothing to see here.
However, doesn't 18 different fires at plants all across the country make you scratch your head just a little bit?
What is the point of all of this? Daily life has enough challenges on its own. Whether you are facing a serious illness, a broken relationship, a job loss, financial ruin, the death of a loved one, a serious accident, or a lengthy list of other calamities that can surface, it requires strength to carry on from day to day. A lot of people are seriously at their breaking point. Throw in all of these other components being thrust upon us by external circumstances beyond our control, and it is easy to see why so many people are struggling.
There are no easy answers to the difficulties that confront us. Today, I simply want to encourage you to keep going. Take it a day at a time--sometimes, a moment at a time. You will find the strength you need!
As for now, my last nerve that you are standing on--GET OFF!
Have a fantastic weekend.