The normal routine is certainly just around the bend
Many of the volunteers will return to their regular jobs
The lucky ones will take some time to rest from the mobs
These ten days have been jam-packed with events and fun
The weather cooperated with warm temperatures and sun
It takes a lot of people to make this event work--that’s a fact
Over twenty-three hundred volunteers if you want to be exact
It is hard to describe what happens to our city during these days
But for residents using their lawn as a parking lot it really pays
The aggravation of the nightly concerts may take a toll
They are really loud--but hey--let the good times roll
The feeding of the multitudes happens each and every year
The lines can be extremely long and winding but have no fear
There is no menu to review and there is no need to order at all
You receive pancakes and “jack-a-lope ham” so please don’t stall
Government sequestration did not keep the Thunderbirds away
A little foggy, but their demonstrations always brighten the day
Close off the streets and let the parade take complete command
A total of four times my son got to march with the South High Band
Indian Village, shopping, food, carnival rides and so much more
It doesn’t take long to spend a lot of money and walk away poor
In the end it was quite enjoyable and many people had a ball
That’s why Cheyenne Frontier Days is the “daddy of em all”