Reflecting upon my dad's life, and his death, has reminded me once again of the fragile nature of life. We are only on this pilgrimage for a short time. A deacon friend of mine died last week. A co-worker was diagnosed with a brain tumor several weeks ago. My own health struggles also remind me of the complete dependence I have upon Almighty God for each breath I take and for every beat of my heart. What are we doing with the precious time God has given us?
Another shooting at a church means more pain, grief, and suffering for many. Natural disasters have caused immense devastation whether it be due to hurricanes, earthquakes, or fires. People are hurting. How can we make a positive difference?
The nonsense in the NFL--regardless of which side of the issue you land on--is a symptom of a much deeper problem in our land. The bottom line is quite simple--a house divided will not stand. At what point will we as a nation wake up and turn back toward God? This isn't just about politics. It is about sin. We reap what we sow. A society that glorifies sin and degradation will suffer the consequences. It is my opinion that we are beginning to see that in a somewhat dramatic fashion.
I can only imagine what the country was like in 1917 when my dad was born. World wars, the depression, and other things I have not experienced in my lifetime, must have created quite a landscape of memories for my dad's generation. They worked hard and provided opportunities for those coming after them. The United States of America has not been a perfect country, but I hope and pray we will exist for generations to come as a place of hope, peace, and prosperity for all. This will only happen if we truly are "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Happy Birthday Dad! Thank you for the example you set for your sons.