It is a cold damp morning in Cheyenne. Fresh snow covers the ground and clouds fill the sky. The outside elements reflect closely what I am feeling internally. There is a sadness in my heart for our world. We have lost our way. Leading up to tomorrow's mid-term elections, there is also a sense of hopelessness. Political discussions over the weekend revealed a great sense of apathy. Does it really make any difference in who gets elected? The world keeps going in a downward spiral regardless of which party is in office.
Our dilemma in society is not simply a political quandary. It is a moral and spiritual battle which we face. Unfortunately, many Christians don't recognize spiritual warfare for what it is. We have allowed Christianity to be lulled into complacency under the guise of tolerance. The weeds that have been sown are running rampant at this point in time.
How is the good of society served when we legalize and even celebrate things like abortion as "sacred ground"? How can anyone watch an ultra-sound and then come to the conclusion that it is okay to eliminate the life inside the mother? Why do we need 40 Days for Life campaigns to raise awareness about an issue that should be taken for granted? Babies should be allowed to live. How does a physician give medications to a person to commit suicide, and do this with a clear conscience? How does a physician justify such an act with the oath to "do no harm"? The killings in our cities, school shootings, the assassinations of law enforcement officers, bombings and beheadings all make headline news. The deeper spiritual component behind all of these immoral actions is almost never touched upon.
The two great commandments are the guiding light of our actions. Love God with your whole heart, mind soul and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. We do this effectively by being rooted in prayer. Give God adoration, glory, and praise. Allow God to speak to you in the depths of your heart. Gain wisdom and insight from the Holy Spirit. Be empowered to live out your baptismal call to holiness. Our world is experiencing severe brokenness. We need faithful people now as much as ever to be "salt and light."
This is the day the Lord has made. let us rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24)