After working on my homily for a while yesterday evening, my son and I decided to go to the dock to watch the sunset. The rain had stopped and it allowed us to catch just a little bit of the sun before it disappeared completely behind the clouds. The bugs were the most active creatures we witnessed. At least this little trip to the water freshened up my mind enough that I could continue to develop ideas for the homily. While it was not completely finished when I went to bed, I knew it was far enough long that I could finish it if I rose early enough this morning. It all worked out just fine.
After preaching at the 7:30 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Masses, it was on to religious education classes. I now have a brief break in the middle of the day before coming back later this afternoon to conduct a parent meeting for our Confirmation students.
The refrain of today's responsorial psalm sums it up well. "The Lord has done great things for us. We are filled with joy."