The Catholic Church reminds us, especially during the month of November, to pray for the deceased. See my post from yesterday for some detailed references as to why we do that.
Today marks the eighth anniversary of my move to Cheyenne, Wyoming. As I look back now, I really had no idea of what I was getting myself into as the Director of Pastoral Ministries for the Diocese of Cheyenne. The position I accepted was a newly created position. Thus, I was forging new ground in many aspects. We had no bishop when I accepted the job, but Rev. Paul Etienne was named bishop shortly after I accepted the job. He arrived six weeks after I did.
After being in Cheyenne for less than a year, I was appointed Superintendent of Catholic Schools in addition to my existing responsibilities. The hats I wear are many; I hope and pray that I am wearing them well.
I have now been ordained for 18 years and 5 months. I have been involved in full-time ministry for 17 years and 4 months. As I begin year number 9 in Cheyenne, I look forward to seeing what the Holy Spirit has planned in this amazing journey of life!