The advantage of growing older is that we can know ourselves a little better. Personally, I know it is easy to allow my prayer life to suffer when I become too busy. Thus, extra diligence is needed in maintaining my spirituality when the demands of life increase. Prayer cannot simply be squeezed into the schedule when it is convenient. If that is how prayer time is planned, it won't be long before there is no room at all for prayer. Other things will always tend to take precedence.
Sacred Scripture gives us much to ponder each week. How do you utilize God's Word to help fuel your spiritual growth all week long? For instance, how has your life been impacted this week because of what you heard last Sunday? Need a reminder?
Last Sunday, we heard the disciples ask the Lord to increase their faith. We could delve into that from a number of different angles. However, I will just pose this one question. Have you asked for an increase of faith this week? Better yet, have you asked for an increase of faith, hope, and love on a regular basis? We can easily do that when we pray the rosary and offer those first three "Hail Mary's" for those virtues. We are in the month of the rosary. Are you praying the rosary faithfully each day?
Finally, take some time to read the upcoming Sunday Scripture readings. Once you do that, I invite you to reflect these questions:
* How have you experienced healing in your life? (Please note that healing does not simply mean being cured of something. Have you ever found healing while your physical ailment did not go away? Have you ever experienced the healing of a relationship?)
* The Old Testament reading and the Gospel both give examples of healing and gratitude (or lack thereof). Are you a grateful person?