"Barbie officially debuted on March 9, 1959, at the American International Toy Fair in New York City as a creation of Mattel, Inc.'s Ruth Handler. Handler got her inspiration from the German Bild Lilli doll in 1956, and development of the Barbie doll began soon after."
~Encyclopedia Britannica
How many Barbie dolls are sold each year?
"Barbie is the most diverse fashion doll on the market. More than 100 dolls are sold every minute, with a total of 58 million sold annually. Barbie is sold in 150 countries worldwide. Barbie has products in 45 categories, including food, fitness, and clothing."
How many Barbies have been sold since 1959?
"Since 1959, over one billion dolls in the Barbie family have been sold around the world and Barbie is now a bona fide global icon."
Today is National Proofreading Day. (Please don't check my work.)