Early this morning I opened a couple of windows in the house and the cool, crisp air quickly lowered the inside temperature to 60 degrees. It was refreshing and invigorating. I din't get to do that very often in late June when I lived in Missouri. I generally got up and lowered the thermostat so the air-conditioner would kick on. (It's cheaper just opening a window. I'm all for that.)
I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy some relaxation time during the weekend. It is hard to believe we will enter the month of July on Tuesday.
Next week I will share some thoughts on freedom and independence in the light of our faith. I am waiting to see what decisions are handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday in regard to the HHS Mandate. The verdict which is expected to be announced on Monday in regard to Hobby Lobby and other organizations under consideration will give a glimpse into the future of religious liberty in our country. If the decision goes against religious liberty, the ripple effect will take effect immediately on Tuesday, July 1, 2014. Other cases currently being heard in appellate courts across the country will be impacted by the Supreme Court decision. It will be interesting to see the direction our country goes.
"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!"