This weekend I will be leading the Wyoming Catholic Men's Retreat. I am looking forward to spending time with about 50 faith-filled men from all across Wyoming as they seek to deepen their relationship with the Lord. I am grateful to Bishop Etienne who will be joining us this evening to celebrate the opening Eucharistic Liturgy. I am also appreciative that the diocesan vocation director, Fr. Steve Titus, will be with us for most of the weekend as well.
Stir Into Flame The Gift Of Faith is the title for the weekend retreat. My hope and prayer is that we walk away at the end of our time together having accomplished that goal. Please keep us in prayer. Many men will be traveling great distances to get to the retreat. Please pray for their safety. Please pray also for the wives and families at home. May this time away to reflect and pray reap many benefits for each man present as well as his family.
I will touch base with you again at the end of the weekend. I hope to have some good pictures to share following the retreat. (If we are lucky we will see some larger creatures while out in the mountains.)
Have a blessed weekend!