I had the privilege of being the guest speaker last night for the monthly Bishop's Guild meeting. It is always a pleasure to join the ladies for a good meal, fellowship, and fun.
The title of my talk was, "Calling All Rescue Rangers." In preparation for the pro-life activities coming up I focused my thoughts on Proverbs 24: 10. "If you remain indifferent in time of adversity, your strength will depart from you. Rescue those who are being dragged to death, and from those tottering to execution withdraw not."
It is important that we do not allow ourselves to become apathetic or indifferent to the moral challenges facing us in modern society. If the Christian people are unwilling to be the light of Christ to others, how can we expect to effectively build up the Kingdom of God? Complacency cannot be an option.
I invited all of the ladies last night to be involved in some way as we strive to nurture a culture of life. It is my hope that we have hundreds of people here in Cheyenne on January 24 to celebrate life as we march from the Historic Depot to the State Capitol building at 12:00 noon. We must continue to be a witness to the sanctity and dignity of each human life from conception through natural death.
As I reflect upon the many people I meet in my travels across the state, it is inspiring to know that there are a lot of wonderful individuals striving to build up the Kingdom of God. The dedication and commitment of people giving of their time, talent, and treasure to serve God and the Church is simply beautiful. The members of the Bishop's Guild fall into that category. Thank you for your work. More importantly, thank you for your prayers and faithful witness to Jesus Christ!