I made the trek back to Cheyenne on Saturday morning. (Apparently, making the 45 minute commute five days a week isn't enough.) I arrived at the Cathedral of St. Mary a little before 7:30 am to prepare for Mass and the opening of the Day of Recollection with the Cathedral Guild and Bishop's Guild. It was a true joy to reconnect with so many people after being gone for three and a half years.
I arrived back home Saturday afternoon just before 3:00 pm. A short nap seemed like the logical thing to do next. I grabbed a few winks and then began putting the finishing touches on my Sunday homily. I altered my homily just a bit for Sunday based upon feedback I received from the ladies at the day of recollection.
As I greeted people after each Mass on Sunday morning at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Fort Collins, Colorado, it was obvious that my changes to the homily were a good choice. People are hurting, and it is my desire to bring the promise of God's healing to every person who is suffering in any way. We need a healthy dose of hope in modern society. My decision to name my blog (2013) and my book (2017) "Articulating Hope," has been reaffirmed for me time and time again.
My goal for this weekend was to build hope and spread joy. As we move back into Ordinary Time today, I hope each of us can find true healing in Jesus Christ!