I had the opportunity to go across town today to St. Joseph's Parish to conduct a workshop for parish catechists. As we get underway with another academic year it is exciting to know that we have dedicated people willing to give of their time and talent to hand on the faith to others. Enhancing our skills so that we do this effectively benefits not only the people we teach, but it brings abundant benefits to ourselves as well. Each time I lead one of these workshops I continue to learn from others, and I am repeatedly inspired by the profound faith of so many of our volunteers.
I am grateful to the pastor, Fr. Carl, and to the Coordinator of Religious Education, Amber, for having invited me to be part of this day. It was a pleasure to be in your parish again, and I look forward to seeing some of you on February 21, 2015 when I return to your parish to present the annual RCIA retreat for the Cheyenne community.