I have been assigned as a deacon to the Cathedral of St. Mary ever since I moved to Wyoming in November of 2009. In less than a month I will be bidding farewell as I relocate to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
The Cathedral Guild, with the approval of the pastor, has offered to host a farewell reception after the morning Masses on Sunday, June 17. After the 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 A.M. Masses we will gather in Hartmann Hall to share some refreshments and memories. Although it will be Father's Day, I am hoping many of you can take a moment to stop by so we can visit one last time before I head to South Carolina. Margaret and I look forward to seeing as many folks as possible.
The ladies of the Cathedral Guild have been an immense blessing to me over these eight and a half years. I have especially appreciated their hard work each January when they prepared breakfast for about 250 people prior to the start of the pro-life march. Their kindness, faithfulness, and generosity are beyond measure. I now thank each one of them for this gracious farewell reception as well. Your guild has been an inspiration to me. Thank you!
There have been some beautiful liturgical memories in the cathedral. I pulled out a few old photos to walk down memory lane for just a bit.