Right to Life Events in Cheyenne
- Friday, January 22—Holy Hour from 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. at the Cathedral of St. Mary
- Saturday, January 23—Mass at 9:00 A.M. at the Cathedral of St. Mary
- Complimentary breakfast following Mass in Hartmann Hall
- Program at the Depot begins at 11:00 A.M.
- The march to the capitol begins at 12:00 noon.
- The “Celebrate Life” Banquet will be at 5:30 P.M. at the Little America Hotel. The keynote speaker will be Claire Culwell, an abortion survivor. Tickets for the banquet are $75.00 for one or $125.00 per couple. A child’s ticket is $35.00. For more information please call Dave at 307-631-6142 or visit the Laramie County Right to Life website at www.prolifecheyenne.com.
- If you are interested in participating in the annual essay contest please see the website for details. Click on “Essay Contest” in the left hand column to view the details including deadline for submissions. (The website still reflects the dates of the previous contest but will be updated soon to reflect the current submission deadlines.)