The Republican National Convention ended last night with speeches by Ivanka and Donald Trump. The political pundits are twisting themselves into pretzels as they try to weave the narrative of the convention to fit their particular ideologies. They will get a brief rest over the weekend to then stir up their creative juices for the Democratic Convention next week. It must be exhausting for commentators to constantly be in spin mode.
Whether you like Donald Trump or not, he hit on one topic last night that resonates with many people. He talked about the damage of political correctness. I saw a headline this morning which proves his point. The NBA is moving the 2017 All-Star game out of North Carolina due to the law that was passed regarding transgenders. It says that people are to utilize the restrooms coinciding with their biological identity at birth. The NBA simply cannot fathom being able to function under such oppressive circumstances.
Professional sports and the Hollywood entertainment industry refuse to let us enjoy a brief respite from the demands of life without coercing us into a particular way of thinking while doing so. It is unfortunate for society that even our recreational moments are overshadowed by the politics of the day.
Cheyenne Frontier Days is a breath of fresh air (except when the horses do their business right in front of you). This event has been going on for 120 years and is primarily made possible by hundreds of volunteers. It has a twinge of political rhetoric involved from time to time, but overall, these ten days highlight the best of western hospitality. Sure, the city of Cheyenne depends heavily upon the tourism dollars of these ten days. However, the building up of a cohesive community is a tremendous blessing as well.
I am looking forward to sharing the festivities of Cheyenne Frontier Days with some folks from Missouri. Be sure to look for pictures and highlights as the week progresses.