I wish I could have the same opportunity with our politicians and media pundits as I did with the children. I want to read them the book Horton Hears a Who! It would not simply be a method of conducting a filibuster. It would be reading for a purpose. Would the media elite and the powerful politicians grasp the moral lessons of Horton as quickly as these young children did?
The freedom of the press no longer serves us as effectively as it should. Hard news coverage has been seriously compromised with commentators and pundits simply striving for ratings. Objective facts are frequently wrapped in opinions and interpretations that can give a deformed view of reality. Politicians recognize this and take full advantage of it when possible. We the people suffer as a consequence.
The childish antics of the presidential campaign reveal a lot about who we are as a country. Our politics are generally a reflection of the contemporary culture. The events that have been unfolding before our eyes recently are quite unflattering. Unfortunately, the lunacy seems to filter down through every segment of government at the national, state, and local levels. There appears to be little hope that common sense will ever be common again.
It is as important as ever that the Church be a beacon of light in the world. The faithful witness of followers of Christ is essential if we hope to regain any sense of moral decency in society. We need people in serious pursuit of holiness. We need saints! Will you be one?
“Our help is in the name of the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.”
(Psalm 124:8)