I want to extend a word of gratitude to all who helped prepare the event. The meal was outstanding. The dedication of people working behind the scenes never ceases to amaze me.
Speaking of dedication, there are two major events on tap for tomorrow. Yes, I will attend my first robotics competition ever. Saint Albert is hosting this competition on Saturday, and I am looking forward to getting an up-close view of how all of this works. Many thanks to the adults working behind the scenes to make this event possible.
On Saturday evening I will be attending a Trivia Night fundraiser. I am going to be a "brain" that people can purchase for a little help during the night. It is my fear that my services will go at bargain basement prices. I am not sure my strong suit is being good at trivia. Years ago I worked with a guy who would frequently say, "My wife says I am a plethora of useless information." He was great at trivia contests. I wish I could tap into him as a resource for this one evening. Once again, many thanks to all who work behind the scenes to make this event possible.
Have a blessed Friday and a magnificent weekend!