I saw a number of familiar faces in the crowd of over 100 people in attendance. It was especially wonderful to see several tables full of young people. Knowing that many of these individuals make the trek from Cody to Cheyenne each January for the Pro-Life March to our state capitol touched my heart immensely. They make a genuine sacrifice of time, talent, and treasure to be a faithful witness to the dignity and sanctity of human life.
I shared with the people in attendance the good work that is being done across the diocese in regard to cultivating a culture of life. Teaming up with the Knights of Columbus we have purchased ultra-sound machines for pregnancy care centers in Cody, Jackson, Sheridan, Gillette, Rock Springs, and soon a new and better machine will be purchased in Casper. The pregnancy care center in Cody is currently doing about 120 to 150 ultra-sounds per year. Beginning on October 17 their outreach with the ultra-sound machine will extend once a week to the community of Powell as well.
Although there is not a 40 Days for Life campaign in Wyoming, we have people participating in Billings, Montana, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Fort Collins, Colorado. Our presence is making a difference.
Life Chain takes place this Sunday. We have had a 50% increase in the number of communities in Wyoming taking part in Life Chain in the last two years. We added Kemmerer last year. This year we added Rock Springs and Evanston. Go to the website www.lifechain.net to find the location nearest you. Get involved!
I was asked to open the evening with the prayer that I used last January at the banquet in Cheyenne when Abby Johnson was the keynote speaker. I kept most of it the same but tweaked it just a little bit for this specific gathering. I have included the text below.
Fr. Denis provided a very informative and inspirational presentation. This was topped at the end when he sat down at the piano and showed a magnificent talent. All I can say is WOW! I was given two of his CDs as a gift and I am looking forward to enjoying the music he makes. God has blessed Fr. Denis in multiple ways. Thank you Fr. Denis for sharing those gifts and talents with us.
Creator Of Life--Thank You
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you"
That is an assurance of God's love solid and true
We are the beloved and precious in His sight
How did our society get to this current plight
Children are viewed as a burden to be discarded
Planned Parenthood is abundantly rewarded
The liberal media calls it "women's health care"
The reality is a truth too heart-wrenching to bear
"Pro-choice" sounds liberating, sensible, and kind
The deception it promotes is the tie that will bind
"Pro-abortion" is not appealing to the one who hears
Accurate terminology could instill worry and fears
Language matters, and progressives know the drill
Don't let anyone know that abortion really does kill
"A woman's right to choose" is now firmly entrenched
Pro-lifers are seen as the radicals who should be benched
The landscape seems to always be somewhat weird and strange
Pro-choicers now want the current language to shift and change
Planned Parenthood consent forms call abortion a "difficult decision"
Yikes! That is currently being looked upon with disdain and derision
Abortion is a difficult decision--exactly what does that imply
Could it be an ethical debate on a moral issue deserving a reply
The "hard choice" indicates a debate on whether or not a fetus should live
Endowing the clump of cells with the status of being--what does that give
They claim "pro-choice" no longer resonates with voters as it once did
Backing away from the posture of a "difficult decision" is the new bid
They now emphasize--don't give any inclination that it really is a child
Because if you do it, provides fodder for the anti-choicers really go wild
Let's face it--
"Follow the money" has been an accurate trail in the past
Cut off tax dollars and watch Planned Parenthood move fast
Litigation or legislation--it's all about abortion on demand
Roe versus Wade and Doe versus Bolton--the law of the land
There have been over 41 years of tragedy since that fateful time
Millions have died--and a civilized society doesn't see a crime
Is it apathy and complacency--or is it something much deeper
What has caused us to fail in being our brother and sister's keeper
To the many women (and men) who are experiencing pain
It is not necessary to be isolated and suffering alone in vain
All of the wounds and painful memories you can freely bring
There is healing and forgiveness from Jesus Christ our King
All of us gathered here in this room tonight
Are challenged to keep fighting the good fight
May each of us work with faithfulness and love
And be open to the abundance of grace from above
And so we pray:
Heavenly Father, it is with a contrite heart that we humbly seek you
May the love of Jesus strengthen and guide us in what we say and do
Let your Holy Spirit empower us to be faithful witnesses to the sanctity of life
May we never waver in proclaiming the Truth regardless of the difficulty or strife
Oh God, we lift up to you all those who need our prayers now
Your abundant grace and compassionate mercy please endow
For the woman considering an abortion--please give her hope
Give her the strength and courage she needs to effectively cope
For the family and friends surrounding their loved one in need
Give them gentleness and patience to not break a bruised reed
Bring conversion of heart to any father not wanting his child
Let his temperament grow in peace and not be unjustly riled
Guide all of us to grow in appreciation for life--and to not be cynics
We pray especially for all those who are employed at abortion clinics
The directors, doctors, nurses, support staff, and the volunteers too
We plead for their repentance and conversion; we lift them up to you
For each baby who did not have the opportunity to see the light of day
We simply trust in your love and mercy and know you will guide the way
For the women who still grieve and mourn after years and years
Grant them healing and comfort through their sorrowful tears
Thank you father, for all those involved with Catholics United for Life--
they are a treasure indeed
Dedication, faithfulness, and compassion--they are truly sowing the seed
A bountiful harvest is being reaped due to the tender, loving care of the soil
Abortion clinics closing, workers leaving, babies living--it is definitely worth the toil
For all who keep faithfully shining the light
We simply pray in thanksgiving tonight
Let each of us witness to the Truth all across the land
Oh God, firmly hold us in the palm of Your loving hand
Our prayer this night is offered with a contrite heart
From your ways O Lord, may we never part
Yesterday, today and forever--always the same
We make our humble prayer in Jesus' name.