Many parishioners and guests stayed after Mass for the Back to School BBQ. There were games, live music, and the St. Albert Football Team provided great customer service for the guests. I did not stay a long time at the BBQ, but it was great to meet more folks and enjoy some fellowship before heading back home to get more rest.
I want to thank Coach Ryan for his dedication and leadership. He gives of his time in many different ways at the school. His participation in the BBQ with his football team was a blessing to all of us in attendance. I am grateful to him and to his family. I know the sacrifices our family members make as we serve others in our ministry.
My thanks also to Mrs. Whitfield for crossing the river to come over for the BBQ as well. Your dedication is appreciated.
I know this past week has required a huge amount of hours from the leadership team. They all stepped up and gave generously of themselves to make sure everything was ready for the start of school. Please know of my gratitude for each of you.