1. Did you work out today (physically)? If not, why not? If so, what did you do? Did you run, walk, or take physical therapy? Did you pump iron? How intense was it? How much effort did you put forth?
2. Did you work out today (mentally)? If not, why not? If so, what did you do? What did you read, study, or ponder? How much effort did you put forth? How do you keep your mind sharp on a regular basis?
3. Did you work out today (spiritually)? If not, why not? If so, what did you do? Did you pray? What method of prayer do you find most beneficial? Did you spend some time in solitude and reflection? Did you perform any acts of mercy and charity? How much effort did you put forth?
Keeping ourselves healthy--physically, mentally, and spiritually--will reap huge rewards. Is there a particular area in your life that needs attention?