As I grow older I sometimes wonder how many times I have missed God's guidance in my life. Did I not catch the signs? Did I see the signs and ignore them? Did I see the signs and simply choose to go the other direction? How has my life and ministry been enhanced when I saw the sign, followed it, and asked God's blessing upon it during the whole time? What a difference it makes when we walk humbly with our God!
We are preparing for a major transition in our office as the bishop will be leaving to become the Archbishop of Anchorage on November 9. How will this impact the flow of things in our office? How long will we be under the guidance of an administrator before getting a new bishop appointed? Who will the administrator be? Who will the new bishop be? What changes will take place when the new bishop arrives?
Change always brings a little bit of uneasiness and discomfort. However, we continue to walk in faith through all the ups and downs of life. God has a plan and I simply want to fulfill my role in that plan as best as I am able. I want to be faithful to God's call in my life. It isn't always easy, but I know that I can trust in God's providential care.
Let us join together in prayer today. Let us pray that we each can correctly discern God's will in our lives. Let us pray that we will then have the courage to allow God to equip us for the journey. Let us pray that at the end of our pilgrimage on this earth we will hear those beautiful words, "Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your master."