Here are my questions:
1. Does any formation happen during the summer? If so, how?
2. Does leisure time provide opportunities for getting to know God? If so, how?
3. Does a programmatic approach to faith formation squelch the Holy Spirit?
I grew up in a good family, a faith-filled church, and a tight-knit local community. Living the faith was reinforced from a multitude of people and institutions. We were given a chance to become faith-filled servants of the Lord and were supported on many different levels during the formative years. Becoming a disciple was not just centered on programs. It was centered on prayer and service to others as modeled by our parents and the elders of the local community. We witnessed how it was done. We didn't just hear about it in class in a vacuum. We saw our parents pray. We saw them give generously of themselves to others. We saw the same things from the parents of many of our friends and classmates. That was how life was lived in our area. That is how I learned to be a disciple of the Lord. I will always be grateful for what I learned and absorbed from the faith community of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Old Monroe, Missouri.
Programs are good and can be extremely beneficial in the life of a believer. However, we also need mentors showing us the way. In my role as the Director of Religious Education I will design the most effective programs that I can. More importantly, I will do my best to surround the learners with people striving to be saints.
Final question for today:
* What is your role in building up the Kingdom of God?