I have watched very little of the Republican National Convention so far and I will probably watch very little of the Democratic National Convention next week. Like the boulder, these events just seem to be out of place. Our world is hurting in a multitude of ways and the political climate in our country tends to make things worse. It does not matter which side of the political aisle you are on when it comes to listening to speeches or interviews among the candidates and their supporters. The overall methodology is the same. The one speaking is part of the powerful elite explaining to us how they are able to connect with the average folks. Do they honestly expect us to believe such rhetoric?
Watching the political shenanigans day after day has made it clear to me why Jesus did not come into the world as a powerful political or military figure. He demonstrated servant-leadership to the point of giving his life. Was Jesus out of place during his time on earth or were the ruling elites out of place?
Please don't look for your salvation among the Democratic or Republican Political Parties? There is no need to look toward the Libertarian Party, the Constitutional Party, or any other party as well. Our salvation is in Jesus Christ. We may look out of place with the rest of the world as we make our pilgrimage of faith. That is okay. If the world hates us because of our belief in Christ, we are blessed indeed.