My first job after college graduation was as a St. Louis County police officer. I have great respect for those who choose this calling in life. You see a lot of challenging things and those images remain with you forever. Domestic abuse cases are still etched in my mind even though 35 years have passed since I left that profession. It is real and it is serious.
Jefferson County Missouri is just south of St. Louis County. Yesterday, a St. Louis television station, Fox 2 Now, reported some disturbing statistics from there. "Jefferson County Sheriff Dave Marshak says that there is a 43% increase in domestic violence cases in March." Think about that increase. That is huge. Furthermore, the shutdown wasn't active the whole month. That is one county in one state for a partial month. The numbers for the country will be staggering.
If you live in a safe home environment, give thanks to God. Many people are not blessed with a similar situation. Social isolation hides the problem of domestic abuse even more than usual, and the victims have fewer perceived ways of escape.
May God lift us up from the crisis in which we find ourselves just as high tide lifts boats safely into the water.