I don't have a "bucket list" per se. I have generally referred to these things as goals. My process has probably been more methodical than a typical bucket list. Set a goal. Then work a system to achieve the necessary benchmarks to reach the desired outcome. Yes, I know that sounds like I just sucked the fun right out of that bucket list. I guess in my mind I picture a "bucket list" more as a "wish list" than anything. I prefer having a plan to make it happen rather than just hoping it happens.
I can understand the sense of urgency of accomplishing some things as one ages, especially in regard to travel. Unfortunately, many people have postponed travel until their retirement years only to experience ill health hindering their ability to fulfill their dreams. (On the flip side, when we are young we frequently lack the time or the financial resources to travel.)
Anyway, there has been one place that I have long wanted to see. Actually, I wanted to see the area leading up to it more than the destination. My "bucket list" included driving the overseas highway from Miami to Key West, Florida. A spur of the moment decision (rather than good planning) made it happen. (After making the trip, I was wishing a little more planning had been involved.)
How did it come about? It all started with a simple request from my daughter to pick her and a couple of others up from the cruise terminal in Port Canaveral, Florida. I left the house before three in the morning. It was raining when I left the house, and it rained the entire drive to Port Canaveral. Sometimes it poured. The drive took a little over six hours. Then we sat and waited. They waited on the ship. I waited in the car. The strong winds delayed the disembarking process because of safety concerns. We waited, and waited some more. The few plans I had made were suddenly being disrupted all over the place.
Since I was already going to be halfway through Florida, I thought it would be good to go the rest of the way to Key West. You know--get that off of my bucket list. That was probably not the best decision I have ever made. Due to the rain, accidents were everywhere as we headed further south. We had already been delayed from the disembarkation process, and then we sat still in traffic multiple times. We did not make it to Key West that night, but we did make it into the upper keys.
We left the next morning and finished the journey to the southern most point in the United States. We immediately hopped back in the car and returned to South Carolina. An item on the bucket list was checked off, but it was a tiring process accomplishing it in such a short period of time. (Of course, I did take time to get photos for the blog. You will be seeing them for a number of days moving forward.)
Reflection Question:
What is on your bucket list (or goal sheet)?