Thankfully, Vesuvius Press was willing to publish my book under the Amor Deus Publishing arm of the company. I am grateful to have found a Catholic book publisher that has been excellent to work with in bringing this endeavor to fruition. I have learned a great deal in the process of getting to this point.
My motive for writing the book was to bring hope to others who are hurting in one way or another. I know the struggles of life up close and personal. Thus, I share my story with the simple intent of letting others know they are not alone in their sufferings. If my writing eases the pain of just a few people along the way, my effort in writing and publishing this book will have all been worth it.
In a week or so I will have 500 copies of the book on hand to make available. I will try to arrange some events for presentations and book signings in the coming weeks and months. Getting back to my hometown area in Missouri may not be immediate, but I will make it happen as soon as my schedule permits. Hopefully, we can arrange something in the Florence or Canon City, Colorado area as well. Finally, here in Wyoming, I will keep a supply of books on hand for when I visit a parish near you. I hope to have a kick-off event at the Cathedral of St. Mary in November.
You will notice a new page on my website entitled, "BOOK DISCUSSION GUIDE." While each chapter of the book is followed with individual reflection questions, the book discussion guide is designed to look at some reflection questions on a wider scale. It goes beyond the individual meditation and brings us to a point of considering how life events impact us as a Church and as a community. The book discussion guide also gives the necessary practical steps of how to lead a group through the process of prayer, study, and action. You are welcome to copy (cut and paste) the material on the book discussion guide section of my website for your use. [The suggestion to include a book discussion guide came a little too late to get it inserted into the book itself.]
As always, if you are interested in having me speak at an event in your area please contact me via e-mail at: [email protected]