~John Maxwell
On a recent trip to Des Moines I visited the state capitol. The architecture of the buildings and the numerous statues around the property were a treasure to behold. There is a sense of grandeur in looking at these structures for the beauty in and of itself, but also for what is represented in each edifice. There is a deep sense of accomplishment present when one views these majestic artifacts and ponders the work behind each.
It is my desire to create an atmosphere where people can flourish. This begins in my home, spreads to my local faith community, then to the wider community, and especially into my place of employment. We each have influence over others in our day-to-day interactions. Are we influencing others in a positive way?
In my current role as executive director, I want the rest of the administration team to thrive in their leadership roles. I want the teachers to be enthused about their ministry of educating and forming the young people entrusted to their care. I want the support staff to be appreciated for the value they add to our endeavors across the spectrum. I want volunteers and supporters to be eager to share their gifts and talents with us. Ultimately, I want the students to have a wonderful opportunity to learn, to grow, and to be formed in the ways of Christ and His Church. I want all of us to blossom as individuals and as an institution.
It is my desire to be a "yardstick of quality." Let's pursue excellence together!