"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
~ Thomas Jefferson (it may have also been Patrick Henry, Junius, or Wendell Phillips.)
"A patriot must be ready to defend his country from his government."
~Edward Abbey, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness (Page 19)
"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."
~Ronald Reagan
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."
~Gerald R. Ford
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
~Attributed to Thomas Jefferson, (Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, and others?)
Do the vaccine passports now worry you any at all? Major cities are requiring you to "show your papers" to go into a restaurant, bar, or gym. We are told, "It is for the common good."
Are you bothered in the least that aborted fetal cells were used in the development of the of the gene therapy products (more typically called the COVID vaccine)? We are told, "It is for the common good."
Are you concerned at all that as of December 30, 2021, there have been 725,362 reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in regard to the COVID vaccines. Why is it that any time a member of the medical community begins to speak out about these concerns regarding the safety, or lack thereof, of the vaccine, he/she is immediately silenced and canceled? I don't typically quote NFL football players, but Aaron Rodgers recently had a good point. "Science that cannot be questioned is propaganda." We are simply told, "The vaccine is for the common good."
All of these things combined lead to my deep concerns about the churches closing without the slightest resistance in March of 2020. The moral voice of the Church has been a huge factor throughout history in helping to keep our government accountable in at least some small fashion. When the voice of the Church is silenced, by force or by choice, our nation is in serious moral and ethical trouble. In my opinion, that is where we find ourselves today. Government bureaucrats and Church leadership echoed the same refrain about the closing of the churches. "It is for the common good."
Go ahead and call me a conspiracy theorist, but losing our freedom one mandate at a time is not for the common good. Please pray for our nation, and stand up for liberty!