This feast is a day in which I am reminded to maintain my diligence in standing up for the sacred dignity and value of each human life--conception through natural death. As society continues to slide down a slippery slope of of moral decadence, it is imperative that people of faith stand strong in being proponents for life. Many individuals in our culture remain committed to securing abortion on demand and without apology. Others are insisting that we need to legalize euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. There seems to be no end to the desires of those yearning for a culture of death. We as Christians have a responsibility to resist at every level.
If society refuses to stand up for the rights of those most vulnerable among us, why are we surprised when other heinous acts of violence occur around us? If I am unwilling to speak out on behalf of the helpless child in the womb, how can I ever have credibility in speaking out against any other injustice taking place in society? We cannot simply pick and choose which violent acts against humanity will offend us. Until we are willing to stop the killing of millions of children in the womb, we will never effectively address the other societal problems that afflict our world.
Abortion proponents have been very effective at communicating their message. Unfortunately, many women and men in our churches have been dramatically impacted by their decision to believe the message of abortion proponents. Statistical evidence would seem to indicate that a significant percentage of women within our church congregations have had abortions. There is one simple message I have for anyone who has been directly or indirectly involved in procuring an abortion. There is healing, hope, and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. If you are post-abortion and struggling with grief, please reach out to your local pastor or pregnancy care center for help. There are resources available to assist you.
Our Lady of Guadalupe--pray for us!