It was a great weekend. I presented a day of recollection for parishioners on Saturday and celebrated Gaudete Sunday yesterday (REJOICE!). It is easy to recognize that we are getting close to Christmas as we begin the "O Antiphons" today. The season of Advent is a true blessing in our spiritual journey.
I come away renewed in spirit any time I lead a retreat or day of recollection. A couple of comments were made on Saturday about how much they appreciated my style of presenting the information. I generally present my material in a methodical process and in very understandable language. I also try to present it with energy and zeal. Why are my presentations effective? I am confident that I teach best what I most need to learn. Thus, I am bringing the message in a way that even I can understand it. I am a pilgrim on the journey just like everyone else. Sometimes I need it laid on the line in a very clear and concise manner to encourage me to get back on track. It appears that other people also appreciate that approach.
The responsibility of preaching and teaching weighs heavily on my heart. It is my firm belief that those of us in Church leadership positions will be held accountable for what we did and did not do in caring for the flock of Christ. Many words in Sacred Scripture point to that accountability. If it is better to have a millstone tied around my neck and be tossed into the sea rather than lead a little one astray, I am confident that negligent leadership will reap some serious consequences. In regard to teaching and preaching I think Lora-Ellen McKinney sums it up well:
- Being a preacher is not about the job but the journey.
- Being a preacher is less about the role than the responsibility.
- Being a preacher is more about the trust than the title.
- Being a preacher is not a function but a focus
The Church needs renewal!
Finish your Advent journey well!
May we each do our part to proclaim Christ!