In listening to the reading of the passion today, I saw myself in the narrative in a variety of ways. How often have I been like Peter and denied Christ? Or even worse, how often have I resembled Judas Iscariot in betraying my Lord? How many times do I simply go along with the crowd because that is the easy route to go?
In the last two weeks I have had the privilege of praying the Stations of the Cross with our parishioners four times. I presided at an afternoon slot and an evening slot on two different Fridays. Simon of Cyrene has been prominent in my reflection during the Stations. In my own life, do I willingly accept the cross, or is it forced upon me? Why do I respond the way I do in particular circumstances?
As we have now entered into Holy Week, I want to follow the example of the "good thief" and ask for mercy. "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."