How about you? Do you have a safety plan for your home? What do you do in case of a fire, a tornado, or a flash flood?
On another note, do you have a spiritual safety plan? Are you walking humbly with your God on a daily basis? Do you pray each day? Do you read, study, and pray with the Sacred Scriptures? Do you participate in the sacramental life of the Church?
When was the last time you pondered the Ten Commandments? How about the spiritual and corporal works of mercy? Do you "practice" living these things out?
My dear friends, sin is real. Please don't ignore it or whitewash it. Sin needs to be removed from our lives. We cannot grow complacent with evil taking up its abode in us. Do we take seriously the admonition of Jesus to the woman caught in adultery? "Go and sin no more."
Do you examine your conscience on a daily basis? I invite you to "practice" living out your faith well. That way, when the smoke of Satan arises and confronts you in some shape or fashion, you are well-prepared and know how to respond with the full armor of God as your protection. Don't leave your spiritual welfare to chance. Unite your heart and will completely to the will of God.