There was a bit of jealousy in my heart when I heard from a few different folks later in the day who either live in the south or spend significant time there during the winter. The pictures looked a little bit like this.
Unfortunately, Colorado is going back into lock-down mode. We wanted to eat at a restaurant while we were out, but our only options were to take it to go or get delivery. We just went home and ate leftovers. I guess some of our politicians won't be content until we put a few more people out of business. It is simply astounding at the loss of freedom in our country.
I decided to go to Confession and Mass this evening to begin my Advent journey--the new liturgical year. I wanted to be renewed and get away from work, politics, and other annoyances draining me of my energy. Confession and Mass should do the job.
I was at church for two hours by the time Mass was over. I realized my annoyance was already coming back while still there. Two hours of needless mask use was wearing on my nerves. Only every other pew was allowed to be used for Mass. We were six feet away from each other, and yet, we were still required to wear masks throughout the entire Mass. I walked out wishing I would have become a politician so I could do whatever I want.
Okay, maybe my Advent journey will begin a little better tomorrow. I am obviously a work in progress.