There is much good to be derived from all of the means of communication which the world possesses today, but there is also a huge danger as well. The immorality that is frequently depicted does nothing to build us up as individuals or as a society. The question becomes more and more prevalent all the time: Why do we allow images into our mind that lead us into sin and degradation? Why do we fill our minds with things that don't matter? How do we keep our heart and mind focused on God if we WILLINGLY invite images to enter our psyche that are filled with lust, hatred, violence, and blasphemy? Do we not care about our eternal well-being?
Our relationship with God is of the utmost importance. Why would we dare to be careless or lackadaisical in our approach to responding to God's call in our life? What will be the repercussions of such an attitude? If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, what happens when we don't even have good intentions? If we are making choices and decisions which corrupt our moral life, it is time for us to revisit our intentions. What do our baptismal promises really mean to us? What are we saying when we profess the Creed? Do we believe any of it?
My dear people, it matters how we live. God's grace is there to guide us. If we choose to ignore God's love and walk in darkness, what profit will it be to gain the whole world? Please don't allow the television, the movie theaters, the computer, pornographic magazines, or any other device or evil enticement lure you away from God's redeeming love. Be steadfast in your commitment to Christ. Remember, God chose us in Christ before the world began to be holy and blameless in his sight. We are called to be great saints!