I invite you today to pray for those who are struggling in one way or another. Some families have recently buried a loved one. Other families have experienced a diagnosis of a serious illness. Another person may have just lost a job. Others have a family member addicted to drugs or alcohol. Others have a parent in prison. The brokenness of our society is real.
If you happen to be an individual struggling with one or more major obstacles in life at this point in time, I encourage you to do a few things.
1. Pray. Prayer is our first source of strength--not the last. There are times when people of faith will choose to look at all other options prior to turning to prayer. I have heard it said numerous times, "I've tried everything else. I guess I'll pray." That is not necessarily approaching God with a deep sense of faith and trust.
We will sometimes find healing, peace, and comfort through the help and hands of others. Our prayer can help us to be open to God's grace to recognize these avenues of healing and hope. Let us truly trust that God will provide for our needs, and sometimes this will be through the ministry, kindness, and generosity of others. Prayer will open us up to being receptive to these gifts of comfort.
2. Connect with someone who can journey with you. We do not have to suffer alone. A companion on the journey can bring great support through those difficult moments of life. I realize that support systems are more prevalent for some people than they are for others. If you have very few people in your life that you can rely upon for help, seek assistance from your church community or other organization. Ask God to send the right individual into your life for the help you need.
3. Finally, get professional help if needed. We seem extremely hesitant to reach out for more help even when we clearly realize we are sinking into the depths of despair. It is not a sign of weakness to seek help. It is a sign of wisdom and strength.
On the other hand, if you are experiencing good things in life right now, be willing to reach out to someone who could use a boost. You never know whose life may change forever by an act of kindness.