Jesus cured people of physical illness during his ministry on earth; the accounts of these episodes are laid out for us in the Sacred Scriptures. As I have studied the Scriptures lately I seem to be more drawn to the healing component of a variety of these encounters depicted for us. The healing touch of Jesus goes much deeper than the physical cure of a particular malady. God wants to bring us the fullness of healing; we are blessed indeed.
As we prepare for the season of Lent, let us reflect upon our baptismal call to holiness. Are we responding to God's call with zeal and enthusiasm? Do we seriously yearn for the light of Christ to shine in our lives? My concern is that we can easily grow complacent if we are not diligent in making our relationship with Christ a priority in our lives. There are plenty of other things that scream for our attention. If we are not watchful, the devil will not only prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls, he will pounce upon the opportunity when we are not alert. Turning away from sin and remaining faithful to the Gospel requires diligence on part so that we walk in God's grace.
The picture above was taken on Valentine's Day in front of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Fort Collins, Colorado. It almost appears that the clouds opened up at the right time for the picture to be taken. In reality, the love of God dispels the darkness each and every day of our lives. We are children of light. Let us live faithfully in that light!