Today is Catholic College Fair. I hope many of our students take advantage of this opportunity to get a glimpse at some of our Catholic Colleges and Universities.
While I still have many commitments to honor this week, I need to start resting up for Friday when we will have a cookout, Mass, a pep rally, and of course, the football game. Once the game is over, I will make my way to "The Gathering Room at Thunderbowl" to join the Foundation Board in hosting an after-game party. The party goes until midnight. (HELLO! I haven't stayed up until midnight since Christmas Eve Midnight Mass. Oh wait, they held that Mass at 9:00 P.M. last year in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.) In all seriousness, I am looking forward to the whole ball of wax. It is going to be a great week here at St. Albert Catholic Schools.
While I am actually somewhat of a night owl and will enjoy the party on Friday evening, it will probably be a day of rest on Saturday after a week full of activities. There is a question in my mind right now. If I get enough rest during the day on Saturday, should I go to the Homecoming Dance that evening and bust a move or two? (Stop rolling your eyes. I will not.)
The fun does not end there. There is even more activity scheduled for Sunday. I don't play golf, but I will be at the start and at the end of the 24th Annual St. Albert Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament. Thank you to all who have worked on organizing this event over the last 24 years. It is great news to hear that the event is full for this weekend. Awesome! Please know of my prayers for good weather for the event.
Sunday: 24th Annual St. Albert Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament at Council Bluffs Country Club: Noon check-in and 1 pm shotgun start (Event is full)
We are blessed in many, many ways. May we give glory and praise to God in everything we do during Homecoming Week, and in every day of our lives!