The weather patterns can run in cycles just the way many other things do. We can see cycles in our own lives. Sometimes my disposition will demonstrate a sunny side for a considerable amount of time. Other times it can reflect the darkness and storminess of the clouds waiting to pour forth a thunderstorm or hailstorm. (Hopefully, my disposition never reflects a tornado or some similar natural disaster.)
Psychologists and motivational speakers have repeatedly shared the positive aspects of living with a good attitude. There is little doubt that living our day-to-day lives with a positive attitude will bear significant fruit. If that is the case, why do we so frequently witness negativity in our homes, our workplaces, our politics, in our communities, and even in our churches? Do we need an old-fashioned high school pep rally?
Our faith journey runs much deeper than a superficial "rah rah" speech. We are people of hope because of our faith in Jesus Christ. If we find ourselves a bit on the gloomy side of things, and there is not necessarily a medical condition involved, how do we go about finding rejuvenation and renewal? What does it mean for our faith journey if we become content with a sour disposition?
Maintaining our physical health requires certain things like food and water. If we neglect these necessities our health quickly declines. The same can be said of our spiritual health. If we only pray once a week we are starving ourselves spiritually. If we never study about the Church, how do we expect to grow in love with the Church? Finally, do we keep ourselves spiritually fit by putting our faith into action? When was the last time you did something nice for someone else?
Even if the sun doesn't shine for an extended period of time during a rainy cycle, we can still radiate and reflect the light of Christ to others. The way we live impacts the people around us. Make sure you are letting your light shine!