Today's Gospel (Matthew 22: 34--40) encourages us to live out our faith journey with zeal. "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." That was only the first half. The second part says, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Living out these two great commandments requires a fervent prayer life, diligent study, and active discipleship and service to others. Simply going to church on Sunday is not enough. A sincere faith in God compels us to live out these commandments each and every day of the week. If we think we are finished for the week after attending church on Sunday, we are sadly mistaken. That is just the beginning.
If we become complacent and content with simply going through the motions of church attendance and nothing more, we are living a falsehood. It is a window dressing so to speak. It takes more than attendance at church to be a Christian--it takes commitment. If you are feeling tired and worn out from the journey, ask God to give you strength. Our future looks bright when we walk in faith, hope, and love.