Do we sometimes feel that God is watching our every move just waiting for us to mess up? I can remember as a child trying to more fully understand the idea of God knowing everything. I would try to trick God by walking one way and quickly turning another way. Did God really know I was going to suddenly turn the opposite direction? Childish? Probably. However, I had a genuine desire to understand how God could know absolutely everything.
With the gift of faith I have come to trust in the omnipotence and omniscience of Almighty God. I do not intentionally set out to try to "trick" God with juvenile behaviors any more. On the other hand, any time I try to justify my adult behaviors that reflect a juvenile and sophomoric attitude I am attempting to trick God. My actions that don't line up well with the Ten Commandments or the Beatitudes are not hidden from God. They are seen.
There is an old story about four high school senior boys that skipped their first hour class to avoid a test. They checked in at the office at the beginning of second hour claiming that they had a flat tire on the way to school. The teacher from first hour saw them in the hallway and told them to come in during lunch time to take the test. They figured they could find out from their classmates what was on the test and be bettered prepared to take it after talking to some of them. Lunch time came and the four boys went into the classroom where there was one desk in each corner of the room facing the wall. There was a piece of paper and a pen on the desk. The teacher admonished them not to talk to one another, look at one another, or signal one another in any way. Their test was one question and one question only. Which tire on the car was flat?
This teacher had gained much wisdom through the years. The boys thought they could pull one over on her. They were sadly mistaken. Likewise, we can't pull the wool over God's eyes either. Let's be honest with ourselves and with God. There are times we fall from grace and commit sin. We simply need to own up to it and seek God's forgiveness. We cannot afford to return to our former selves. We have put on Christ and we must continue to let our light shine. There is no turning back. Once we are headed toward Christ why would we want to make a U-Turn?
As the Church celebrates the Memorial of St. Ephrem today I am filled with great hope. St. Ephrem was a deacon.