People are astounded by the level of violence routinely experienced in the major metropolitan areas. Why? After we kick God out of every public institution, call good evil and celebrate evil as good, why does it surprise us to see chaos in the streets? Until the people in darkness see the great Light of Jesus Christ, we will continue down a path of devastation and destruction. The immorality of a nation has consequences.
We need Christians to be a witness today as much as we ever did. People yearning and striving to be united to God can model a healthy way of life for others. We cannot afford to hide our lamps under a bushel basket. It is time for the Light of Christ to shine in and through each of us.
Let us sincerely pray for all those who died violently over the weekend--not only in Chicago but throughout the world. As a matter of fact, let us make this a daily intention. Furthermore, let us pray for all those injured. May they experience a quick and full recovery from their injuries. Finally, let us pray for an end to all violence. May we become a nation that honors the dignity and value of each human life from conception through natural death!