Dinner on Saturday evening with the Cana Club was excellent. It was uplifting to be surroiunded by couples striving to live their marriage vows as well as they are able. There were a lot of years of marriage present in that room ranging from three years to several couples approaching the 50 year anniversary milestone. My thanks to everyone who made that such an enjoyable evening with great food and even better fellowship.
Visiting the religious education classes on Sunday morning was energetic. (There seemed to be a lot of sugar present at end-of-year classroom parties.) A busimess meeting with the Coordinator of Religious Education was productive as well. I appreciate all those who organize our religious education programs as well as all those who volunteer their time to be catechists. These endeavors are successful because of the generosity of parishioners giving of their time, talent, and financial resources to make it happen.
Finally, I always appreciate visiting with parishioners after the Masses. It is great to see how God moves in the lives of His people. Continue to celebrate the Easter Season well.