I did not know either of the victims and have no direct connection to them at all. Yet, I get a deep sense of sadness when I think about the last moments of their lives. Simply reading about the brutal nature of the attack was enough to make my heart break for these innocent young women. I can only imagine the grief that was experienced by their parents, other family members, their friends and classmates.
Following the murders, fear permeated other female students as they wondered if such an attack would happen again. The ripple effect of such a heinous crime extends quite far into the surrounding community. It was painfully evident that a sense of safety and security was lost as news spread about the early Sunday morning attack on these women while they slept. Shock, disbelief, and terror swept through the corridors. Life had ended for two individuals and was severely damaged for two others who survived the vicious attack at the Chi Omega house. A fifth victim was severely beaten at another location as well. Ultimately, life was changed for a multitude of people that morning due to the emotional distress that such a disastrous event can bring upon us.
Our nation and our society are in desperate need of prayer for healing for the many acts of senseless violence that takes place all too frequently. May the memories of Lisa Levy and Margaret Bowman remind us today that we need to be those people of prayer!