I want to spend a little time doing the math. If each session only lasts 60 minutes, that training costs well over $3,000.00 per hour. Let’s say it goes the full 90 minutes. Better yet, each one goes 10 minutes beyond the 90 minutes giving us a total of 300 minutes for the three sessions. That is five full hours of training bringing the cost down to a mere $2,000.00 per hour. That is quite the bargain. May I kiss you now?
The struggles regarding sexual assault that have been noted in our military branches in recent years are no small matter. I hope that the leadership is successful at addressing the issue. However, a valuable resource right at their fingertips would be the Christian military chaplains. These chaplains understand the concept of teaching good moral values based upon the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes. As a matter of fact, our country was founded upon adherence to these fundamental principles and values. Unfortunately, in our modern day the government does not seem to welcome any influence from Judeo-Christian beliefs in these types of issues. Instead, we will pay $10,000.00 to someone to explain the secular parameters on dating, intimacy, the influence of alcohol and sexual assault, and how to support a survivor of sexual assault.
It is fascinating to watch particular segments of society strive to diminish the impact of religion on our culture. People of faith are labeled as intolerant and ignorant people clinging to their religion and their guns. The media and secular elites pounce upon every opportunity to make the Church look like an irrelevant and obsolete institution. This is a sad commentary for the future of our country because the moral fabric of society will continue to decline as Christianity declines. Pushing Christian military chaplains to the periphery, as has been done in recent years, is simply a symptom of a much larger problem. Does anyone really think a 90 minute presentation is going to solve the problem of sexual assault at our military bases?
Moral values are modeled and taught by our parents and other family members. In the past these values were reinforced in our churches, schools and other institutions within our communities. There was mutual support across the spectrum in many of our neighborhoods. This made it easier, or at least more probable, that a young person could grow up with a solid set of values in place by the time he or she reached adulthood. Sadly, these support systems are no longer as prevalent as they once were.
My recommendation is that if Mike Dormitz is successful with the United States Air Force, they better send him immediately over to the Secret Service. I believe they could use a little help as well.
As for me, I am still doing the math. If I just use the cheapest figure of $2,000.00 per hour and break it down further it comes out to $33.33 per minute. Each Sunday when I preach a 10 minute homily it would be worth $333.30 at that rate. If I preach at all six services on a weekend I would be able to bill for just 20 cents under $2,000.00. You know what all of that would do to me? I would start preaching a minimum of 30 minutes at each service. Now I need to get my calculator out to figure how long it would take to afford retirement at that rate.
Thankfully, Jesus Christ is the center of our worship and I am not (and I certainly don't get paid $33.00 per minute). Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. Being in the presence of the Lord is priceless! May we always hold on to that reality!